The Three Basic Rules of Poker

Before you start playing, you’ll want to understand the rules. Here are the basic rules: Ante, Betting intervals, and Tie hands. If you don’t know what these terms mean, you can find out from this article. You’ll also find out how to improve your skills and win more poker games! And don’t worry; anyone can win! Just follow these simple tips! And hey, you might even make some new friends!


The Rules of Poker is a guide to the game of poker. It is written by Robert Ciaffone, a professional poker player, and is considered one of the foremost authorities on cardroom rules. By following these guidelines, you can improve the atmosphere of your table, play better, and win more often. Read on to learn more. Here are some of the most common offenses against the Rules of Poker. They will help you understand how to avoid them.

Betting intervals

If you have played poker, you have most likely noticed that the betting intervals vary depending on the type of game you are playing. In most games, the first player to make a bet is the winner of the hand, and all players after that have the opportunity to make additional bets. These intervals are usually set to two, five, or ten chips. Generally, the last two players are playing the same hand, so the intervals may vary too.

Tie hands

In poker, tie hands occur when two or more players have the same five-card combination. Common examples of tie hands include two pairs of twos and two pairs of sevens. A player with the same pair, but a lower card, is called the “kicker”. Certain board textures are more likely to produce tie hands than others, which can increase the odds of them occurring. During a tie situation, the players involved are usually tied, but there are exceptions.


The ante to poker is the first bet that is placed by the player in a hand. The larger the ante, the more players will be drawn into the game and the pot will grow accordingly. While the ante is a necessary part of poker, the higher the ante, the better the odds of winning the hand are. In addition to making the game more exciting, the ante also makes it easier to predict the winner.

Big blind

In poker, the player to the left of the big blind is the first to act in the first betting round. This player is often referred to as the “live blind” or “small blind.” The big blind can either call or raise the big bet, or fold. The player to his or her left is known as the “small blind.”


You can raise a poker hand for several reasons. You may want to encourage other players to act, entice a player to act with the best hand in your range, or increase your favorite status. You may also raise a hand because you have a good pair or top pair. Here’s when raising makes the most sense. Listed below are some examples of when it makes sense to raise your hand. But remember that the right time to raise your hand may not be when you’re holding the best hand in the game.